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Resin handicraft little knowledge

点击数:39892017-10-13 16:55:49 来源: 中山市普源工艺制品有限公司

新闻摘要:Resin handicraft refers to both practical and artistic objects, is a resin as the main raw material, through the die casting molding, Made from a variety of aesthetically pleasing image elder brother lifelike characters, animals, birds, landscapes, e

Resin handicraft refers to both practical and artistic objects, is a resin as the main raw material, through the die casting molding,

Made from a variety of aesthetically pleasing image elder brother lifelike characters, animals, birds, landscapes, etc., and can be made into all kinds of simulation results. Resin handicraft colour is gorgeous,

Simulation modelling is good, stereo sense is very strong, for household decorates is suitable.

Resin handicraft processing varieties mainly animals, characters, cartoon, religion, scenic, festivals, garden water modelling, functional, fountain,
Simulation and so on several broad categories. Resin handicraft on the raw materials in accordance with the proportion in accordance with the proportion of resin brands, including resin.

Small resin handicraft raw materials is commonly: fixed resin, powder, or any other archaize materials, marble products, such as imitation brand, marble powder available resin.
Large resin handicraft raw materials is commonly: resin, powder, color paste. Hollow can filling resin waste, large general resin waste filling resin products.

Learned on commodity index, the wenzhou city longgang gifts on resin handicraft sales situation is gratifying, to ask about the number of people are increasing.

Resin handicraft of higher than normal, foreign merchants ordering more also.
Resin handicraft is not only can be used to reside adornment, also can be used as a gift given to the customer, is suitable to pay attention to life taste

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